At 91PornPlus, we believe that all children can and do learn every day. ?It is our mission to develop and nurture a system in which continuous learning and improvement is a fundamental part of the culture. ?To that end, we have engaged students, teachers, and community members in developing a Strategic Plan in which we support differentiated learning environments for students, foster collaboration and professional development among teachers, and provide high quality curriculum and materials. ?
The District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) is a key component of our approach. ?The DCAP was written by a team of Wellesley educators in order to articulate a set of accommodations at the elementary and secondary levels. Accommodations are instructional strategies provided by general educators that facilitate access to curriculum. DCAP accommodations incorporate elements of best practices and do not change the content of the WPS curriculum. Rather, they support multiple learning styles and assist students in accessing the environment, curriculum or materials. The WPS DCAP divides accommodations into four categories: presentation, setting, timing, and response. The WPS DCAP is a resource for teachers who are seeking to best educate the variety of learners who makeup our classrooms. In the following pages, educators, parents, and students should find practical applications for how to support diverse learners.
In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 71, Section MGL38Q1/2, and led by the building principal, staff at each school will use the DCAP as a catalog of best practices in order to ensure that best instructional strategies and supports are available for both students and staff.
The Wellesley School District endeavors to create optimal learning experiences for all students. ?The Wellesley DCAP guides administrators, teachers, and parents in ensuring that all possible efforts have been made to meet students’ needs in the general education program. ?Holding high expectations for all students requires that educators and parents understand, respect, and consider the effects of diverse learning, cultural, and linguistic needs when making instructional choices. The DCAP describes best classroom practices and serves to strengthen and improve the general education program for all students.
Wellesley Elementary Schools: What We Have
- Reading Intervention (K-1)
- Literacy / Specialists
- Math
- Title 1 support at Title 1 Schools
- School Psychologist support
- Team Leader
- Special Educators
- Student Support Teams (SST)
- Benchmark Assessment System (K-5) ?
- Students screening DIBELS (K), Marie Clay Observation Survey (Gr 1)
- Grade level Data meetings
- Reading Workshop
- Writing Workshop
- Reading Intervention K-1 (Leveled Literacy Intervention)
- Reading Support gr 2-5
- Math Intervention (Title I Schools)
- Data meetings to target instruction
- Math K-3 Numeracy Assessments
- Daily math instruction using TERC Investigations curriculum & assessment
- (grants for education)
- PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
- Parent volunteers
- School Councils
- School-based workshops
- Common Planning Time as schedules allow
- Literacy and Math coaching
- Social-Emotional training ()
- Cultural diversity training
- Curriculum departments
- Technology Dept., on-call support & scheduled training
- Math unit orientations
Teacher Mentoring
- Assigned mentors for first year induction
- Coaches and Principals
- New Teacher Orientation Program
Accommodations are changes in the way a student accesses the general education curriculum. ?An accommodation may involve an alteration of the presentation, response, setting, or timing/scheduling of instruction. ?Accommodations do not alter what is being taught. ?Accommodations do not have to be formalized in an IEP (Individualized Education Program) or a 504 Plan; they may also be provided informally by the teacher as part of regular education instruction.
Areas of Need
- Written Language
- Reading
- Math
- Executive Function & Attention
- Social & Emotional
- Expressive & Receptive Language
- Motor – Gross & Fine
Four Categories of Accommodations
How does the teacher get information across?
Examples of accommodations include: providing graphic organizers, prompts, checklists examples and models, and audio and visual supports.
What is the physical educational setting?
Examples of accommodations include: allowing for preferential seating, differentiated and flexible small groups, opportunities for movement, breaks and use of technology tools to adjust for noise levels.
What is the time of day, how much time is allotted, and what is the pace of lessons?
Examples of accommodations include: breaking up larger assignments, use of breaks, a timer or a schedule of tasks within instructional blocks.
How do students communicate what they know to teachers?
Examples of accommodations include: providing a computer/iPad or verbal opportunities for responses, graphic organizers, teacher check-ins and reducing the number of required responses.