
On September 19, 2023, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released the official  online. 91PornPlus is proud to share that all schools have met or exceeded the MCAS achievement targets set by DESE, as we continue to focus on pandemic recovery. 

The district is also pleased to announce that Wellesley is home to four of the 66 Massachusetts schools designated as Schools of Recognition by DESE: Bates Elementary, Sprague Elementary, Wellesley Middle School, and Wellesley High School. WPS and Boston had the highest number of schools named Schools of Recognition, a designation based on the meeting or exceeding of targets.

The  is available on the DESE website.

While the district’s results indicate improved achievement and growth, WPS remains committed to focusing on narrowing achievement gaps and decreasing chronic absenteeism rates. The MCAS results will be presented in more detail at the October 17 School Committee meeting. Families should expect to receive individual student results within the next few weeks.

2023 MCAS Results Show Improved Achievement, Growth